Saturday, September 7, 2013


Tyler Perry once posted about having to dig wells to find a more cost efficient water source for his home. He ended up digging several wells with several holes peppering his yard, only to no avail. But, then afterwards it hit him. He was going to keep digging in the same spot until he found water. He did!

We are very familiar with how God opens up the windows of heaven and POURS us out a blessing. We keep our eyes on the "sky" looking into the great beyond for it all. From up above we see the sun, moon and stars beaming so brightly. Rain, snow and waterfalls all unleash their glory from this great cloud or that majestic mountain and this is all well and very very good. But, this only encompasses the "external" and at times, in view of so much of what is outwardly, that internal glory is overlooked.

Like the water source Tyler Perry found underneath his own house, there are hidden treasures buried deep within the earth. Within the earth we find precious gems, metals, coal, even root vegetables and so much more. Likewise, within you, there are so many hidden treasures. There is even a more precious light that is brighter than the sun and moon combined and brighter than the stars above.

". . . greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)." 

Here, you've been searching all over and perhaps were just about ready to give up. But, take a moment, stand still, look again, deeper within and shout "KEEP DIGGING!!!" Let the rivers flow.

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us (2 Corinthians 4:7)." 


Stay in the race, overcome the hurdles and keep passing the baton.

To God be the Glory,
Jocelyn \oO/

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